In the fall of 2014, I would’ve been going back to college as a senior, enjoying the last year and taking cool pics with my friends at graduation in the spring.

Instead, I decided to take the year off to work at an awesome company in SF.

But every morning I asked myself “Is this the craziest thing you can do while taking a year off?” The answer was “No” every time.

So I quit my high paying job and moved back home to start what I’m calling an “exploratory year.”

These days, it’s common to take time off from college and go travel the world or work to pay for school.

The difference is I’m not taking the time off for either of those two reasons.

I’m taking this year to focus on self-improvement and experimentation.

In the past couple years, I’ve had the opportunity to work at some great companies yet everytime I’d go to work, I felt like I was watching from the sidelines.

You don’t become Michael Jordan without being on the court and in the game.

Ever since I graduated high school, my goal has been to work for myself but I always ended up working for someone else because it felt safer.

Sure I had tried taking stabs at a few projects in my free time but I never went all-in. There was always a cushion whether it was a job or school.

Now there’s no school and no a job.

This is putting me in an “uncomfortable zone” where there is no safety net.

The feeling of not knowing what tomorrow looks like is something you can only learn from when you’re all in.

Every single day I’m learning by doing new things for myself.

So what’s next?

I’ve started a growth agency and am already working with a few awesome clients.

Along with that I’m also working on building software products. My first one is already live and it’s called PDFLeads.